The Return of the White Ninja and Bucky!

Frank Strom Draws the White Ninja & Bucky!

Updated August 19, 1999 -- here's WHAT'S NEW!

ようこそ--and hi, crimestoppers! It's the White Ninja and Bucky (with ardent arigatos to Frank Strom for the flattering portrait! ...although THIS is what we really look like...and sometimes THIS TOO!), here at the House of Ninja Mischief, taking advantage of technology to foist our opinions upon the world at large!

We've been anime fans since 1978 and 1981, respectively, and have been preserving and propagating anime weirdities ever since. Now it's time to unleash some electronically!

First, what the heck is this "White Ninja and Bucky" stuff?

Eight Samurai video box It all started with a late-night party viewing of the original Japanese-language version of Legend of Eight Samurai, a nonstop bizarro live-action epic produced by Haruki Kadokawa (which should have been a tip-off--but what did we know in 1987?).

In between helpings of handsome Hiroyuki Sanada scrambling around as our Brash Young Hero in a Li'l Leather Skirt (YEAH!), it was the tale of a princess who was the reincarnation of another princess who had these magic glowing marble thingies by which she could control eeeeevil and stuff. This gal had to go find the rest of the set of marbles.

At one point the princess is in the woods and is mistakenly accosted by these two guys--one of them dressed all in white with the "salad bowl" type of hat on (who we, being in high spirits, promptly dubbed "the White Ninja") and his slightly goofy sidekick, in a short dark happi-type coat with big white polka-dots all over it (who we called "Bucky"). They wound up being on her side.

Throughout the rest of the film, we were providing Batman-and-Robin-type dialogue for the two--"Holy jumpin' catfish, White Ninja! Here come more of those zany break-dancing demons!" "Don't panic, Bucky, we'll destroy them in the name of Good with our Nifty Ninja Things On A String!"

The two guys wound up dying in the final scenes of the film--but not their nicknames. We were called "the White Ninja and Bucky" not only for the rest of the party, but for all the years since!

We've tried scrubbing them out, and soaking them out, but we're still the White Ninja and Bucky...and here we are!



Costumed as Jajuka from Escaflowne, the White Ninja has won the Grand Prize in AnimeVillage's 1999 "Cosplay Without The Play" contest!

It's a wonderful shock and a tremendous thrill--one all the more astonishing since there were more than 100 entries! Thanks so much to Bandai Entertainment and AnimeVillage for holding the contest!

The Grand Prize included an all-expense-paid trip to this year's Anime Expo in Anaheim, Calif., on July 16-18--and the White Ninja had a fantastic time!

For now, our pages are in these main categories:

Visit KIRINPRO, the riotous realm of Bucky! (And hey, dig Bucky's kirin tattoo!)

Check out CLUB NOSHI NOSHI, the White Ninja's eclectic reference digs!

See What We Want...THIS WEEK!

And you won't want to miss our page of favorite twisted anime LINKS!

Plus, here's WHAT'S NEW!

Feel free to e-mail us anytime at

So sit down, strap in, and hang on!

This page was created May 29, 1999. Last updated August 19, 1999.

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