
You know you're Asian when...

The You know if you're Asian Page
Well here it is, the only way to check if you're a Asian, or not! This page was inspired by a rainy Saturday afternoon. Anyways, this is truly the first page I've ever made, although I know I can do better now cause it has been awhile since I started html, but I always keep the same format for all my pages, I don't know why.. but I love to keep things the way they are. Something to do with memory or something. BTW if you're going to send me a joke just try to be alittle creative. It's not that hard to use that mind of yours. Amusing jokes would be a plus as well.

Ok i'm sorry to say, but I'm done. I really have no interest in this page anymore. I really appreciate all the jokes and all. I now have other activities in mind. Anyways sorry for the ones who I didn't post up here. I've been kinda busy. So um wow thats it. The page will still be up for your veiwing pleasure. I'm now sorta working on my new hp. It's really weird. I dunno what you call it. It's just weird. Come visit it sometime if you'd like. It's called daydream a really personal homepage about me. I don't care do whatever you want. Thanks again. I most likely will bring the page back up. someday. Bye =)

Here are the older jokes:
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These are most recent:

You know if you're Asian when...


you over use your makeup you tend to look like a clown

you talk about sellouts (like me), but you don't know nothing about your culture
Ming Shin(

you eat spaghetti with chop sticks

your parents spank you with chopsticks

all your relatives live with you

you can completely blindold your eyes with dental floss

you wear the most expensive clothes in school, but never have any lunch money
flipmode(No email given)

you have a classmate with the same last name people would assume you were related
Laura A.(No email given)

your math is twice your verbal on the SAT
Laura A.(No email given)

Your parents claim that fried food will give you "hot air" ("Yeet Hey" in Cantonese), however, the symptoms of Hot Air change to fit whatever ailment that may keep you from going to school
Y.C. Siak(

you actually spend your time reading the you know if you're asian jokes
No name given(No email given)

you'll never amount as a skater
The Static Queen(No email given)

Your grandparents store up lots of empty plastic containers and jars in your pantry for future left-over use
The Static Queen(No email given)

The sissors in your house are used for sewing, cutting fat off chicken, cutting your toenails, and gardening
The Static Queen(No email given)

dinner is finished, the table is cluttered with many many piles of fishbones or chicken bones
The Static Queen(No email given)

when people look at you they start feeling like buying Tommy, beacuse of the huge advirtisment on your shirt

you need a plastic bag and can only find ones that say 99 Ranch market or HK Market
James Sutandyo(duffsup - AIM)

you wear pants that either are size 40 when you are only size 30, or your pants hug your crotch
James Sutandyo(duffsup - AIM)

You have 3 or more locks on your front door

Your hair is jelled up in spikes hard enough to imaple a small mammal
tUaN vO(Your mean G-mail? What??)

You have to send money to some poor relative in Asia
DrAgOn oNe(

You look at your front yard and see dinner
Philip G(

You're reading this page and seeing your life in it
Philip G(

You make fun of people that watch pro wrestling, only to go home and play the game on Playstation
Philip G(

You hear the doorbell ring and think someone is calling your name (ding dong)
Philip G(

u were lil ur parents told u ridiculous stories of where u came from i.e. they found u in the trash

in winter your house is alway freezing cool cause your parents want to save money.(same goes for winter)
No name given(No e-mail given)

Your White buddies tell you that if you shave your head and grow a goatee(sp?). You'd look just like that bad guy in all the martial arts movies
Jay(No e-mail given)

people are suprised when you can speak English without an accent or if your name does not sound Asian
Jay(No e-mail given)

You get a new job or its the start of a new semester and your parents ask if there are any other Asians that work there or are in any of your classes
Jay(No e-mail given)

your dad has alot of porno behind the toilet
Mike Liu(

you complain about how ugly and flat asian girls are when your girlfriend is the ugliest and flattest
Mike Liu(

you know your not asian when you have chest hair and all your chinese friends dont
Mike Liu(

when you see guys look at you (from any race) you think they're checking you out, but they're really wondering why you have such small boobs, plus why you're dressed like you're some kind of model when you look like.... "ugh" and another thing, do not wear those tight pants unless you have a nice figure (ex:chicken legs are not acceptable)
Steven (

You think anime women are hot
Brian Chiong(No e-mail given)

in a club, you go in lil corners with your friends and dance with yourselves just so when you come home you get to tell everyone that you danced
Missy(No e-mail given)

in a chatroom, the first thing you'd say is "where are all them foine girls/guys at?" when you know theyre all out not like your desperate ass on a chatroom
Missy(No e-mail given)

You're not allowed to touch the food at a restaurant on a "lazy susan," until all the adults have picked the best pieces of food first. Don't even dare look at the shrimp, crab, or clams until they get the biggest, fattest, juiciest pieces. :o)
Heather Chang(No e-mail given)

You know that "chopsticks" isn't a song

you put your pinky next to your penis and can't tell the difference
No name given(

you're a girl and flat as a board
Eugene "The Russian" Ulitsky(No e-mail given)

you are wearing DKNY while you mother is walking around in worn out shirts
Eugene "The Russian" Ulitsky(No e-mail given)

your nipples are bigger than your boobs

you go clubbin, you all dance in a BIG circle

you wear platform shoes so high, you gotta walk like a damn pidgeon

your bra fits better backwards

the white dudes put their hands together in praying mode, bowing to you, and repeating words that rhyme with "chin"
Ian( )

Last Modified Monday, August 16, 1999 10:20:18 PM
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