The Gothic Realm

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Well this is my page i have lots of pictures of camp and pictures of other stuff.

You have to check out my Pointless Babble it has not importance at all but it's pretty cool. This is my chat no one is ever there but just drop by and leave a messages. These are some of my drawings. Here are some of my strange friends from my city and beyond. This is my Java Chat if it's not working please e-mail me. My links page, go to it if you want to look at some of my friends webpages. I get asked so many god damn mother fucking questions here go to my FAQ. Here is my Biography so if you wanna know more about me go there.Well considering how much i like to express myself here check out my Likes & DisLikes page, it's pretty cool. If you have a problem with rats don't go to my rat page, it's all about myrats.

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