Personal Information

Name: Charles Wu
Born: Born in Tainan, Taiwan
Age & Sign: 30 years old in 2007. Cancer. The Year of Snake in Chinese Calendar
Favorite Activities: Movies, Magazines/book, Basketball, Workout, Video games, chat and hang out with friends
Brief Statement: I lived in Taipei, Taiwan, for 19 years. I graduated from Yan-Pin high school at age 18 and attended National Taiwan Ocean University, where I had a wonderful time of my life. My family immigrated to the US at December 1995 and I become US citizen in 2001. I received AA degree from Orange Coast College from Costa Mesa, California, and I finished BA degree in psychology at University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA) in 2001. In 2002, I started to work for American Medical Response(AMR) in Northern California as a data analyst. In 2005, I decided to pursue a master degree, so I moved to Washington D.C. area and attended the George Washington University for MPH degree in Epidemiology.

Picture Albums

Trip to Taiwan 2002
Trip to China
Trip to China continue
YumCha with friends
A trip to Mexico
About Y2K
Long Beach Aquarium

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