Sadly enough, my web-building days began with Geocities. I have grown a lot since in many skills (and physical features), and have moved on to other things.
I began with making fanfiction for various anime I used to live and die for. Now I mostly create fan/art and go forum hopping on a regular basis. I am also the creator of Ninja Bill, an online webcomic which will premiere sometime during the late summer/early fall of 2003.
So here are my webpages, newest sites on the bottom:
BSSM: The Earth Saga - the only fanfic out of ALL of the ones I wrote which I really took seriously. My writing style was horrible then, and so was my art ^^"
AnimeLuva1's Fanart Services - I knew that if I wanted to improve my art, I had to draw constantly. Needless to say I made MANY fansenshi exist thanks to my then less-than-par drawing abilities. I'm surprised anyone remembers me drawing them fan senshi ^^"
Et Cetra - This is where I used to store my non-AL1FS related fan/art before 2002. Hopefully you can see how much my skill has risen when you check out the next site. I abandoned 0catch because they redid my HTML whenever they decided to have an oddly-sized ad banner.
Studio_Oro! - My latest venture in the intarweb. I do art commissions and sell prints of my work. My alias is Ten-chan.
That's all I can give for now. How any of you managed to find my VERY first website is beyond me. Email me from any of the websites mentioned above if you really wish to contact me ^^