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Ryuuchi's Character Page

Konnichi wa! This is Ryuuchi Soatome of RanmaMUCK and EternityMUCK. I just thought I'd put this little page together to give you a bit of info about me and show off some pictures that folks have done for me.

I finally got my gallery page revamped so you can view the thumbnails before pulling up the full sized pictures. Just click on the word gallery to go there. Sorry it took me so long to do something so simple. In any case, enjoy! Matta Ne! =^_^=

NOTICE - This Web Page May Soon Be Moving To A New Server To Join My Other Character Pages... A Forwarding Page WIll Be Left Should This Page Move

Height5' 6 "
Weight120 pounds
EyesDeep Blue
Age16 years
Curse Form
Red tiger cub
Relation to
Distant cousin

And here's my current description (1st person p.o.v.)

You see an oddly beautiful young woman before you. She has fine jet black hair that reaches just below her shoulder blades in two braids.She has a youthfull face with deep blue eyes that seem to hint at a fiery personality. She's about five and a half feet tall and one hundred twenty pounds. Her body is fit and trim from her lifetime of training in the martial arts. Just by her looks you'd guess her to be about sixteen and fairly well built for her age. She seems to remind you of someone, though.

Right now she's wearing a chinese dogi, with a black sash around the waist that bears a large leather pouch, and simple black cloth shoes that can be worn both inside and outside. The dogi itself just consists of a pair of loose black pants and a form fitting red tiger-striped blouse. You notice a small patch on the right breast of the blouse. It reads "Saotome School of Anything-Goes Armed Martial Arts."

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You can e-mail me at tyronev@efn.org with your question, comments, suggestion, and what not. Thank again. Matta ne. This page hosted by GeoCities Get your own Free Home Page