Meeting the needs of the occidentaly challenged
this page under
construction. Deal.
This page was "lost" by Geocities! (twice)
Have you ever wanted to pilot one of those giant robots featured in Japanese TV, magazines, comics, and movies? Meet a group of people who drive these Mecha, both on paper and on computer simulators! The Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery 4th NightStalkers Death's Angels is an elite BattleTech regiment, seen on BattleChat and Multi-Player BattleTech.
New to the net? Want to have your say on your own web page? Kioshi offers instruction of the basics of HTML web-authoring. Don't be constrained by the limits of a page-design program; consrtuct exactly what you want in the source language!
The Help Page
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FreeYellow forms* Help on Java
Jason, the nice guy who types in the code for me that the HTML editor can't fathom, gets his own page in my cyberspace. It was going to be a corny "This page intentionally left blank" kind of thing, but Geocities now lets us sell books and CDs from our websites--so...
visit Jason's Metallica Page
Since Jason is better and coding all that hyperlink stuff, I'll let him handle all the selling details... =)
RETURNING not-so SOON: Kioshi's Soapbox
See the world in a different light as Kioshi mounts his soapbox to dispel myths and distribute common sense. Disparate opinions (with a logical reason) always welcome!
The man. The Myth. The Legend. Learn about Kioshi by reading his life story.
I'm still accepting submissions for the To Tei Kung Virtual Shrine page. E-Mail me for details. The page is off-line for now.
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Last Updated 12 Nov 2007
Copyright © 1997-2007 by Kioshi Ishitandai. All rights reserved.
[GC] Pictures Captioned for the Graphically Impaired