Welcome to my little corner of the web! My name's Jonathan Viloria Acierto, a.k.a. Silent Samurai Johnny. I'm 25 and I'm Filipino, but I love everything Japanese! Anime, Manga, Samurai films, the Martial Arts (click for my page), Fighting videogames, . . . gotta love 'em.
What is Anime?
What is Manga?
Go here for a great (and long) explanation.
My sis has her own website! Check it out, it's really good.
Some non-Japanese things I like: school (click for my school page) comics, literature of all types, basketball, music (click here to go to my music page), and
writing (click here to see my work!).
The best Ranma 1/2 page around!
A great webpage about my favorite comic, Kabuki.
Homepage of my second favorite comic, SHI.
Get the latest info on videogames.
Here are pictures of my weapon collection.
More links to other sites on the Web
My School webpage
The Anime Web Turnpike, a great place to surf for anime pages!
A really great search engine.
Get more info and reviews on Samurai films (like Ran and Kagemusha) or any other film out there.
More Anime than you can shake a stick at!
"Remember, the main reason for practicing a martial art is to get so good at it, that you don't have to use it."