Welcome wanderers who travelled long and far, come, and join me at my humble
abode, and rest your feet for you must be weary frome your endless journey.
Please let be be hospitable, for that you are free to roam everyware apon
my domain. Perhaps we may share a same interest? King Zod has many interests
of many things. Now come, Join me why don't you and let your self experience.....
King Zod's Domain.......
02-14-2000 Important Update!!!!
Well this site has been up for quite a while and much to my surprise it has actually attracted a few travellers! However I realize on this fourteenth day of the second month of year two thousand, that my page is, well out dated, and quite frankly still unfinished for the most part. I have been aware of this problem for quite a while, but being a young American adult that I am, procrastination and laziness has its effect on almost everything I do. But that means nothing will get done around here, oh no, there will be change oh yes there is. For one thing I will be adding a gate page that will give people a choice what resolution you want to view the site in. Res's will include 1024x768 which is the current intended res, 800x600, and yes I will make my site DC friendly having 640x480. Layout changes will occur in all the sub pages, hopefully more pleasing to the eye. And plenty more.
No one can say how long it will take me, being in college and all, studies can consume most of your time. Especially if your working too. But I will keep my word My website will live long and evolve, but patience is and ingrediant that must not be overlooked. So for all you people who actually come back to my site, from now and then you will be treated by something new every time, but till then this is Zod signing out.
e-mail: rotaryman13b@hotmail.com or
My UIN is 631468
you have been the