And other ANIME, of course!!!
As you can see, Sailor Moon is one of my favorite anime series! I made that collage a while back, what do you think of it? You might recognize some of those pics as being from (in the DIC version) the episode "Sibling Rivalry," along with some other episodes. I had made several screen shots from that episode and others, don't ask me why. If there is a method to my madness, I sure haven't found it yet! :)
Here are some other collages of SM pics that I've made. I'm putting these up because I figure that at least these collages will be *original* as opposed to pics anyone coming here has seen a billion times. To save the download time of this page, I'm using thumbnails rather than a big picture for each.
Mars is my favorite of the Inners, though I'm not exactly sure why. Or maybe I do... she may yell and argue with Sailor Moon, but she's trying to make her become a better person. And when times get tough, she's always Moon's staunchest supporter.
Okay, I originally made this one for a friend whose favorite Inner is you-know-who. I don't really like this one too much... there's a lot of blank space in it, the pics aren't packed in very well. So in time, I'll redo it... eventually. :)
Okay, so why did I make a Neptune collage?? Well, she's not my favorite Outer, in fact I've only really seen her in the movies. (The two that she's in of course, not all 3.) So I don't really know her that well, but I do like her anyways!
The above is what happens when I decide to toy with some of my SM pics using Photoshop filters.
The Star Senshi. Well, I've never seen them, except in .movs or .avis, so I can't really say much about them, but here they are anyway.
And here's Tuxedo Kamen, aka Tuxedo Mask, Moonlight Knight, Darien, Mamoru, etc. A man of many names. ^_^ Anyways, I don't have a collage of him yet, but decided not to leave him out. So here he is!
A collage of heroines from several of my favorite animes. I hope you like it. On the first row, from the left: Shayla-Shayla from El-Hazard, Nuku from Cat-Girl Nuku Nuku, and Alita(Gally) from Battle Angel. Second row: Alielle from El-Hazard, Ayaka Kisaragi from Phantom Quest, and Miyuki from You're Under Arrest. Last row: Belldandy from Oh! My Goddess(aka Ah! Megamisama) and Afro-Mahn(sp?) and Meiss from El-Hazard.
(Yes, it's finally here... or actually I finally linked it to this page!)
Tuxedo Kamen's Page A good chatting buddy :)
Alyx's Homepage - A VP and an IRL friend!
The Alpine Design Page! My brother's company... his fountain of creativity you might say...
Third Street Black Box Theatre The theater my brother helps out at- the page was created by him.
MISKATONIC UNIVERSITY You see, Alfred? I DID put it up now!!! (And BTW, I happen to like being colorful!)
Sign My Guestbook!
And that's it for now!
This page was last updated on January 21st, 1998.
have encountered my homepage.
Umm... okay, so I'm having a few technical difficulties... ^_^
Whether you want to complain, gripe, or hopefully comment in a... positive way or fashion towards me or my page..
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Okay, and let me add in here a little credit where it's due-- Thanks for the help with the animated gifs, Mark! And Alfred, thanks for helping me to get this page up!
This is my first homepage ever, so please be gentle! Some things here bite back! ^_^
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