Dearest Friends,

After 6 wonderful years of existing on the Web, I've decided to retire my 'Emil & Friends Page.' I haven't updated my page in a long time and this has been brought to my attention many times. It is not because I have lost my interest in Emil. In fact, he continues to be my favorite singer and hopefully your's as well. In 1995, when I first learned what the Internet was and how to make a webpage, I wanted to make one for my favorite singer. It was tough getting information because I didn't know the language well enough to know what was happening being on the other side of the world. Then I thought how exciting it would be to get a group of Emil fans together, a club so to speak. That way we could all share what we knew about Emil and what he was up to. I was so excited when the Emil & Friends, International list had 10 people. Then it grew steadily and now in 2002, we have close to 200 members. Can you imagine how our favorite singer's popularity has grown, no suprise there. So, I'd just like to say a big THANK YOU for all the friends that have supported my Emil & Friends Page and myself. Last year was an extremely tough time for me because I lost someone dear to my heart. So, all this said and done, there are many wonderful Emil Chau pages that still exist on the Internet today. Check them out, okay!

Take Care,


GOGO Rock.Com (Emil's Record Company)
Every Wakin's Moment from Singapore (
Emil & Friends Mailing List - Yahoo!Groups Emil Chau
Wakin Weekend Society Page - Emil Chau