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~*~Michelle's Little Corner~*~

~*~ Michelle's Little Corner ~*~


I am happy to tell you that you've stepped into Michelle's Little Corner! It has been a year since this webpage is launched and it has been through countless major and minor updates. I, as the webmaster is deeply touched by the support of all who visit this site. Watching the value in the counter growing makes me feel that the great deal of effort and time I have put into the homepage worth it. Feel free to roam around and I'll be indeed grateful if you leave some comments by signing the guestbook after visiting this site.

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aniflowerThis page is created on December 1998.aniflower

Last updated on 22nd April 2000.

*If you are trapped in someone's Frames, then Press Here.*



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© 1998,1999,2000 micsm

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