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Adaptive Finite Element Simulator
LRFD Bridge Specification
Pile Cap Construction

AASHTO - American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials
ACI International - The American Concrete Institute home page
AISC - American Institute of Steel Construction
ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers Homepage
PCA - Portland Cement Association Homepage
PCI - Precast / Prestressed Concrete Institute

BERGER/ABAM Engineers inc.
J. Muller International
Mott MacDonald
Parsons Brinckerhoff
T.Y. LIN International

ADAPT Post-Tensioning Software System - Concrete, Prestressing, Post-Tensioning
Advanced Software Designs - ROAD/SITE Designer
ALADDIN - matrix and finite element environment
Archon Engineering - Engineering Desktop Software
BDM3D - Bridge Modeling Software
Boss International - environmental engineering software
BQE Software Inc. - time and billing software with Time Card for Engineers
Bridge Designer II - Analysis and Design of Concrete Segmental Bridges
BridgeSoft - bridge design engineering
CADRE Analytic - 3D finite element structural analysis
Cold Formed Steel Design Program - by Martin N. Pohll.
CSI Home Page - SAP2000, ETAB for structure and earthquake engineer
ENERCALC - structural engineering software
FirstMix - software for concrete mix design
Georgia DOT - Free HP-48 software for Bridge Engineers
GFDL Modular Ocean Model - ocean general circulation model
Haestad Methods Homepage - hydraulics and hydrology software for civil engineers
Hydrotools Software - hydraulics and hydrology engineering software
Integrated Engineering Software - quality software for structural engineers
Formation Design Systems - Multiframe software
Parallel Integrated Research - integrated frame analysis system
PCStruct 2D Analysis for Windows - 2D frame/truss analysis package
P-ROUTE - Pollutant Routing Model, Windows
ProSoft Apps Web Site - hydraulic engineering software
Rekenwonder Software - beam moments calculation
Research Engineers, Inc. - STAAD-III, AutoSTAAD
RISA Technologies - structural design software
SAM for Bridge Engineering - Structural Analysis and Design Software for Bridges
SC-Push3D, Nonlinear Pushover Analysis Program
Sentec Home Page - Bridge Safe_T, Bridge Analysis using Finite Element Technology
SEQMC, SEQAD - Moment Curvature Analysis Program
Softek Home Page - structural engineering software
Spectrum Products - concrete mix accessment & design
Structural Analysis for Windows using FEM - download free software
Structural Engineering Analysis - free software for use by structural engineers.
WSDOT - Bridge Software

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