Hey Folks! Been quite a long time since my last update of this page. Figured I'd do some cleaning house. For starters, the email doc_ido@animefan.org will no longer reach me. I'll be trying to replace each instance of it on the page with my real address: Mike@Isenberg.com. If anyone sees doc_ido@animefan.org anywhere on this page (other than old guestbook entries), please let me know so that I can correct it. NuKS Regs Passed to Nobody Also of note is the "passing of the torch" regarding the NuKS Regulars page. I found that maintaining the page was taking more of my time and effort than I could afford. Updates and requests were being processed later and later, and I decided that rather than have a poorly-run and constantly-out-dated Regs page, I should just find someone else to take over. Thankfully Ethan (aka "Nobody" in NuKS) decided to take it off my hands, and so for the last half year or so he has been running it on his site. And of course, my lazy ass has waited until now to remove the old version from my site. Sorry folks! Cleaning House In the next few weeks I will be cleaning house a bit, fixing up errors on the site and generally doing some maintenance work. I'm afraid I don't forsee any new features for TFTS anytime soon. I know I haven't put anything up here in quite a while, but I'm afraid I just haven't the interest anymore. Gunnm is still one of my alltime favorite comics, but there just doesn't seem to be anything more I'd like to add to this page. The old days are over, I'm afraid. When the Gunnm mailing list was new and the comic was still coming out, there was plenty of inspiration for discussion and admiration and speculation. Now it seems we've talked about every aspect of the characters, the technology, the history, and the plot. It seems we've already seen the comic in every possible light from every possible angle. And now that the comic has ended, the speculation and the suspense have faded, and (at least for me) so has the intensity. Anyways, I'm rambling here. But I'm glad to get this off my chest. What I do have, now that I think about it, is every single Gunnm-ML post from the time I joined the list (around message 30 or 40 I think) to the time I left it (at least 2000 messages later). Perhaps, if I can find the time, I'll pull out the highlights and put them up. Or if anyone could help me learn to set it up, I might be able to put the whole bulk of them online. If anyone has any ideas about how to put them online in a comprehensible and searchable archive, please mail me. Anyhoo, that went off on a bit of a tangent. Basically what I wanted to say was that I haven't forgotten about this page. It still remains as my shrine to one of the best graphic novel series in existence. I may not be building onto the shrine any longer, but I'll be damned if anyone will keep me from sweeping up and maintaining it. --Doc Ido
New Domain! Mike.Isenberg.com is the new adress for Tales from the Scrapyard. Nifty, ne? Unfortunately, on the new service I'm using I only get 5 megs of space, so for the time being, all the graphics, along with the New Kansas Regulars pages (since there're so damn many of them, and in theory they should get updated often), will be kept on Geocities. A mirror of the page is up there still, because it's against their Terms of Service to use a Geocities page just for storing stuff on another page, and because I'm too much of a lazy bum to search out all of the people who linked to the Geocities page. Also, for some reason the Guestbook only works when accessed via one of the pages on the Geocities mirror, so you'll have to go through there if you want to sign it. Layout's complete! Although this is the first official "news" posting since September, you may have noticed a lot of changing and rearranging and updating going on with the page since then. Well, the new layout is now officially in place. I've also added a page about me, just because I'm an ego-centric fool. Careful about following that link, though. I purposely picked the most hideous picture of myself that I could find. It's pretty scary. Also some new art and writings have been added, and I've got some possible projects in the works.
New Layout! I'm streamlining my page. Lots of changes to be taking place soon. I'm going to officially post my incomplete Scooby-Doo/Gunnm fic, as I don't see it being completed any time soon. I'm scrapping the pics page. Who actually looks at the pics? Most of you have already read the whole series. They're just taking up server space. Also, I've put up a link to the promotional page for my zine Spiffy, and will soon be adding a page for my Gunnm WinAmp Skins. (Until I do, you can get the "LostSheep Amp" here and the "ConquestAmp" here) Until I finish overhauling everything, you're going to be seeing a lot of the old site interspersed with the new, and maybe some broken links. For the most part, however, the page should be functional until I'm done. Fanart- 3D Fanart, Gunnm and otherwise, by me Writings- Gunnm commentary and (soon) fanfic Angels of Victory- The page for my old X-Wing vs. Tie Fighter squadron, with Alita as our mascot New Kansas Regulars- Regulars page for the New Kansas Chat Room Spiffy- My humor zine. Winamp Skins- My Gunnm Winamp skins. News- Updates to Tales From The Scrapyard Links- Related Links