Outer Senshi and Sailor Moon

Lark's Sailormoon Galaxy


This page was was last updated on September 12, 2000.

Due to circumstances in and beyond my control, I realized I was too busy for regularly maintaing this page. HOWEVER I have desided to keep this page up. I don't plan to update often, but updates WILL occur every now and again. As for the title, Anime Girl is now Lark for the pure and simple reason, I changed my screen name. Arigato.

Character Page
Sailormoon Quiz
Senshi Style
Take a Poll
Sailor Talk
Find Out About the Webmistress

For a comprehensive description of the Outer and Inner Senshi go to THE CHARACTER PAGE. Or, think you know alot about Sailormoon? Test it out by taking my SAILORMOON QUIZ. Want to find out how to dress like your favorite senshi? Well now you can! Just go to SENSHI STYLE. Also, like every SM website, this one has a POLL. Feel free to participate. Here's something different, I got to interview Usagi and Rei. Go see it at SAILOR TALK. Or, if you want to know more about the creator of the site, come check it out!

Guess what! You are # to arrive at this site since July 22, 1999.

Here, have a webpage