Enjoy Yourself!!!
I made this page to share with you things I like. And so that you can know a little more about me. I hope you have as much fun as I do!!
I've know many people in the net during many years, I've been surfing, I had already met many of my net friends, I hope to meet you too!! Yoroshiku!
Japanese Pop Music
Enter here to know why I'm so addicted to it! There are some translations and romanizations that I've done. Not many so far... I'm so busy that I don't have time to do them... sorry!
You'll also find links for some cool jpop homepages.
I've been a golfer for almost all my life. Here you'll know about my golf history and more about this fascinating sport.
Some good links here!!! (still in construction)
If you want to know more about this jpopper-golfer-netter girl, click here! (japanese and portuguese version too!)
I said share things I like, what includes my friends too, off course! Here are some of them who have their own homepage. I know there are many friends missing...
You're visitor number since November 12th 1997.
Comments, critics, compliments, you know: email me!!!
Last update: September 18th 2001.