"Most people have a full measure of life, and most people just watch it slowly drip away. But if you can summon it all up at one time, in one place, you can accomplish something glorious!" - Highlander II, Juan Sanchez Villa-Lobos Ramirez

updated February 13, 2003!

This cartoon is truly hilarious. In Japan, most places (including the bank) still have an abacus around for emergencies!

These are all my son, in some of his Halloween costumes I made for him way back in the days of yore.

"I understand you most of the time but sometimes it either flies over my head or I have to re-read it to understand you."
--Ron Elliott, about me, August 20, 1997 2:09AM PMT

When I was still in Seattle, USA, I used to breed gerbils. After several years in Japan, I started breeding them again! To see some of MY gerbils, go here.

I live in Japan. I've been here since January 31, 1998. I live on the edge of a small town which has a large Nissan plant, but other than that nothing major to bring tourists. It's a nice place, we get lots of fresh strawberries. In spring and summer the frog population is pretty booming, though of course because of pesticides it's been quieter in recent years. That could be my imagination.

Recently there's been a lot of development around... well, here. They've put a major shopping complex on the edge of the neighboring town, which means it's close to where I live. This has many good points. The only bad ones are the enormous increases in traffic and... well, using arable land to pave over, that troubles me.

I own two cats, now. The older one is Hana, or Kaou ‰Ô‰¤ Flower King. I found him in front of a flower shop. He was hit by a car a while back, and had to have one hind leg and one front paw amputated. He's a brave, strong cat. He is white with orange tabby markings. The other cat is Mimi, who is younger. She's a gray tiger, lovely smart girl, tears around the house and can play Fetch. They are both neutered and both live inside. No more kitties to be hit by cars or catch horrible diseases.

An acquaintance of a friend of mine found an abandoned dog, but she lived in an apartment and couldn't keep him even though she loved him. So she asked my friend who asked me and so I have a dog, too! Ben named him Spark as he is golden and white. He's a smaller medium-sized dog who may have some terrier. He's fast and sweet.

Most of my site is anchored on Fortunecity, and I've been pretty happy there. Here are my links:

My Other Website

Things I have/am obsessed with over the years
Think of it as a nostalgia page. I'm weird.

This is my picture, but it was taken in 1997.
Sentai and Kamen Rider Hub Page
The NeverMind,
Blake's 7,
Sapphire & Steel,
Fiction I wrote in the late 80's early 90's,

You can e-mail me via jillun at hotmail dot com.