Keep Smiling!!!

Last updated: November 27, 2002

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Links are fixed up now! I have also put in a NEW guestbook!

You probably want to know a bit about me.

I was born in Hong Kong,and to cut a long story short, I moved to the 'Art Centre of Australia'--- the City of Melbourne, Victoria, nearly fifteen years ago.

I finished High School here, and graduated from University of Melbourne with my license to DRILL! HEE! HEE! Currently I'm working in the Public sector, treating patients receiving social security benifits in the major regional centre of Ballarat (approx. 120km west of Melbourne )-- our largest inland city in fact, with population 83,000.

In my spare time I enjoy a good sci-fi/fantasy book or a good crime story. I also enjoy going to the movies and dining out. In my more creative moments, I do a bit of painting or other crafty projects. Chatting on the Net is no longer one of my main afterhour entertainment.... Guess we all grow out of it eventually!

Go to my various Net haunts!

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No rest for the wicked! Ongoing work for this page happening......... slowly but surely!

Please help if you can! I'm really not good with this! :P

© 2002