April '98 issue

Washington D.C.: Amidst a scandal which already may topple a presidency, sources revealed this morning that Vikki Lewinsky, former White House intern, may have really been sexually involved with First Lady Hillary Clinton. "The President never touched Lewinsky. The whole thing is about Bill Clinton trying to protect Hillary Clinton from scandal", said a pedestrian standing in front of the White House. Unfortunately, it just happened to leak all over him. Some close to the situation believe that the chain of White House sexual escapades has far from ended. Not everyone associated with the White House has been implicated in the Lewinsky sex scandal, said one White House aid of the record. You still have the Chief of Staff and the National Security Council, they're still clean. And don't forget Bill's dog, Buddy.

Earlier this week Vikki Lewinsky responded to the allegations by explaining to reporters that the thirty-three trips she made to the White House after her internship was not to have sex with the First Lady. They were simply attempts to find a misplaced earring. Critics doubted Lewinsky's story until this afternoon when British Prime Minister Tony Blair found the missing earring while he and President Clinton were discussing the Iraqi situation. The earring was stuck in between a sofa cushion. "The darned thing was poking me in the behind all afternoon", explained the British Prime Minister.  "I was beginning to know exactly how the President felt". Although no explanation was given as to how the earring got into the sofa in the first place, the President did thank Prime Minister Blair for retrieving it. "It's good to know that I have at least one ally outside the country", President Clinton said.