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    I would just like to take this oprotunity to say: MISCHIEF MAKERS RULES!!!

    Click "here" for the GAMES section!

    It's okay for people to download, post, and distribute these files, as long as they don't change their content. In fact, PLEASE distribute these files! If you have an A-ko or Ranma page, post them there! Connect links to this page! Print out the files and drop them from an airplane! Anything, just MAKE PEOPLE READ THEM! BWA HAHAHAHAHAHA! (Sorry. Kinda lost it there.) Do whatever you like as long as they remain the original files. (HXNote: If you wish to give poor WZ some creative feedback, just click here. =) )

    I've written fanfics about 3 anime series so far; Project A-ko, Ranma 1/2, and, of all things, Samurai Pizza Cats. (Hey, don't knock it 'till you've tried it!)

    The A-kos are basically just amusing sidestories that could take place at any given point during the first 4 videos, except for Poject B-ko which could not take place ANYWHERE in the course of the videos. Here's what you have to choose from:

    (By the way, I drew all these pictures myself!)

    "Terrorist Retreat"

    "C-ko's Kite Duel"

    "Halloween Battle Night"

    "Project B-ko"

    Here are my Ranma 1/2 Fanfics. They are apparently the primary reason people view my page, which I don't think is very fair. How would you like it if YOU were a project A-ko fanfic and people just skipped over you to read a Ranma 1/2 fanfic? Huh? HUH!? Oh, sorry.

    "Magnetic Attraction"

    Magnetic Attraction is a typical "Failed Plans" fiancee story. (It's fun torturing these characters! You should try it some time!)

    "Happosai 1/2"

    Happosai 1/2 is a longer story where Ranma and Happosai switch bodies. Not a very original concept, I'll admit, but just try it with THIS cast!

    "Lost World"

    A cute little Ryouga side-story I wrote because I couldn't think of any other way to explain the plot hole in Vampire Hunter D. It's really short, but I think you'll like it...

    "The Spanish Inquisition, Part 1"

    "The Spanish Inquisition, Part 2"

    In this story, a lesbian comes to Nermia, presumably so that I can make lesbian jokes... Wait, STOP! OW! Stop it!! Hey! Calm down, it's not a lemon! I'm sure I will probably recieve a lot of hate mail over this, but I don't mind. At least then I'll be getting some feedback :) I'm not sure how long the series will last... All I can say is, if you're not too sure about this idea, but you like my other stories, give it a try anyway.


    "Princess Vi's Birthday Blast"

    In this story, Big Cheese tries to wreck Violet's birthday party, and Princess Vi fights back. Note that this is the only thing I've ever written in script form...

    "Samurai Pizza Cats Drinking Game"

    What? I got bored, okay?

    WarpZone's Original Stories

    Finally, here is a place for original stories I couldn't put anywhere else...

    "The Coming of Anime"

    It's not really a fanfic, either. It's just a cool anime-based story. Y'know, one of those weird ambiguous stories that could only be a product of the 'net.

    "Why I Beat Up Love"

    This one is kinda sorta not really a poem I wrote, just because the idea occured to me. I suppose it belongs here because it isn't an anime fanfic persay.

    Other stuff that isn't anime fanfics...

    Click "here" to see a page of my Mega Man art. I consider it one of my better pieces.

    Please note: Ungodly huge JPEG file.

    Click "here" for the credits.

    Click "here" if you want to look up Sailor Moon's skirt. (Humor)

    Click "here" for a link to the coolest collection of anime-related stuff you ever wasted space on your hard drive with! It's OTAKUWORLD! Games, toys,screen savers... you know the drill!

    By the way, this site belongs to:

    The Project A-ko
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