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Michelle's Tang Soo Do Page

You are visitor Last Update April 7, 2000

Welcome to my Tang Soo Do Web Page.

The basis for the martial art of Tang Soo Do dates back many centuries. Everyone you talk to has a slightly different variation on the orgins of the art. However, it’s true story of origin rest with Grandmaster Hwang Kee. One thing that is certain however is that the kicking techniques of Tang Soo Do are unsurpassed. Also, the art of Tang Soo Do is both a hard and soft flowing style. Grandmaster Hwang Kee developed what was to be known as Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan in 1945. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan has a great number of combat applications, however, this is not the founding purpose of Tang Soo Do. It's ultimate purpose is to develop every aspect of one's self, in order to create complete inner peace. This philosophy facilitates in the creation of a person who can deal with virtually any situation in an ethical manner.

Since its development hundreds of thousands of persons have studied Tang Soo Do. Not to mention instructors have been sent around the world, and there are now major Tang Soo Do organizations in numerous countries.

Anyone who has studied Tang Soo Do can attest to the brotherly atmosphere of closeness, warmth, and universal determination which surrounds the art and it’s practitioners. For in closing, Tang Soo Do focuses on personal relationships with one’s self and environment, very much unlike some martial arts which center on combat. For as a wise man once said the only true fight is the daily fight one has with their true self.



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Cincinnati, Ohio
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