Jean-Paul Home Page

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since 9/8/98

- The measure of a true hero is when a man lays down his life with the knowledge that who he saves will never know.
- There's no limit to how far you can go if you don't care who gets the credit
- $$$$$$$$$$ Show me the MONEY $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
- The probability of someone watching you is proportional
to the stupidity of your action.
Fortune Cookies (Here are some of the fortunes I have gotten)
- You are talented in many ways
- You have at your command the wisdom of the ages
- You are one of the people who "goes places in life"
- To get what you want you must commit yourself to something
- The happiest circumstances are close to home
- More money and travel is in your future
- You love chinese food
Take your pick
Now, Shall We Dance?
Maintained by Jean-Paul Tea.
Last updated: 02/23/97
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