check list for making decision
1) define the problem
2) consult others to get a wide perspective
3) brainstorm to find other alternatives
4) pick the most creative solutions
5) weigh the costs and benefits of each alternative
6) evaluate the potential impact of each choice
7) give appropriate weight to specific factors
8) support your analysis with data
9) find a solution that creates the most impact with least work
10) trust your intuition
11) make a definite decision, even if some information is missing
12) evaluate the impact of the decision
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System Selection
Nokia Technology: ERSS Enhanced Roaming System Selection.
1. Automatic (default)
2. Home Area
3. Semi Auto A
4. Semi Auto B
ER search sequence is as follows:
1st Home side digital
2 Home side analog
3 Non home side digital
4 Non home side analog
Home side could be A or B. If your home sid in the sid/nid list is odd, then you are on the A side.
If even, then you are on the B side.
There are 4 types of lists.
1. Home SID/NID list 20
2. Preferrered SID/NID list 80
3. Negative SID/NID list (also known as the forbidden sid/nid list) 5
4. Available system SID/NID (All the rest of the SID/NID that are not listed in the above 3 lists are
considered as Available system SID/NID list)
Home SID/NID list has higher priority over Preferred and we never go to negative list.
Semi Auto A is the same as AUTOMATIC except when we are given avaible system, we will choose the A side, never the B side.
For example. Your phone is programmed sid 4 on the 1st of the home sid/nid list. You are on B side Home.
Let's say you move over to a new location and the ER searched a couple of sids
10, 1, 15, 27. In your home sid/nid list there is 10. And now your phone is using Automatic, Sid 10 would be used because
you are on the B side. Priority for Automatic is from home, preferred, then aavailable system.