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And please, stay tuned at this space for my new Shrine to my favorite anime ladies
Thanks to all of you who've visited this site!.
Disclaimer: Sailor Moon and its related topics are properties of Naoko Takeuchi, Kodansha, TOEI Animation & Ban-Dai. It´s US rights are awarded to DIC.
It's explotation in Mexico has been awarded to the following companies: Ban-Dai Mexico, TV Azteca (TV Broadcasting), Intertrack de México (Dubbing), Editorial Toukan (Comic and Activity Books), Editorial Vid (Original Manga), Editorial Navarrete-Perú (Collectible Albums) and some other companies I may forget.
This page is constructed in a completely AMATEUR basis (no money received for it) and tries to respect all of the legal rights of any holder in any way, so please don't sue me.
If you have any complaint about it, please E-MAIL_me (in english or spanish, its OK).
Milagros Tuchmetztli and any other character created in this page is a property of me. If you wish to use or quote them, please E-mail me in advance (Include your name, HomePage Name and URL, and a brief description of your project with them).
This webpage don't pretends, under any way or circumstance, to polemize or re-write the religious mythology or traditions of Mexico or any other country. It neither pretends to question or ridiculize in any manner those people or the science men dedicated to their study, the anthropoligists. This pages don´t pretends to be a scientific work or an attempt for a new cult (it would be stupid by me!). It simply evokes some elements of mexican prehispanic traditions to develop a new, and hopefully entertaining, Fanfic. If this site entertains its visitors, and can share a positive message in the process, as Sailor Moon did for me, it will have achieved its main goal.
Even when placed in existing geographical locations, all of the specific sites, characters, and situations described in this fanfic are ficticious. Any smiliarity with real persons or situations is a mere casualty.
WARNING: This chapter is Rated PG13. Note: This and the upcoming chapters will be in *.txt format, to accelerate its uploading.
Diary Part II (Most recent Updates)
YCC: A dedication... (Tribute to all of the inspirational sources for YCC)
Yaocihuatl Coyolxauhqui's Calmecac (Profiles)
Yaocihuatl Coyolxauhqui's Tonalamatl (Fanfics)
Yaocihuatl Coyolxauhqui's Tlapaltin (Image Gallery)
Yaocihuatl Itzpapalotl's Calli (Links)
Tameme's Traveling Yard (Webrings Area)(Why everybody demands to be at the Front page?)
Tameme's Uequicnimeh Tlapaltin (FanArt Gallery)
Neo Sailors Fanfics Club! (member Webpages & Entrance)
Mahtlactli Atl's Uehkaicnihtli Amoxton (Sister Sites)
A Fic inspired and parallel to Kenya Stallworth's Sailor Dark Moon (I'll never end to thank you for all of your support, Kenya!).
Now you can link with
Write at SC's Amoxton (Guestbook)
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have visited this page since Jan 6th, 1999.
© 1997 mahtlactli_atl@excite.com