The Kitten


Ripped and beaten, nearly broken. How could one expect this kitten to be sweet and playful? Ah, but she does have that sweet lovable purr that comes with any feline. She stays loyal to those she cares for, althought her words will bretray her feelings.
She has times when she exposes the 'real' Altair, allowing herself to be gentle. But, one must protect their pride. Don't expect much from her unless you're a lady. Or one of her close male friends. Otherwise, she'll seem to hate you while she seems to insult you.
But that doesn't mean she can't have a short temper.
The gods may have damned me, I may have seen hell before, but that doesn't mean I give up so easily. If you do manage to kill me don't think it'll be the last you see of me. ::a dark grin caressed her muzzle, showing just a hint of those fangs:: The cat always watches her prey.
If want to talk to me send me a scroll or locate me or Contact me some other way.
(Revived by: Neo Supaa Vejita)
(this involved Altair so I thought why not put it up so you can get a hint what she's been through ::snickers:: I'm so cruel! I used this so Altair would be immortal ::shrugs:: so she could get decent dice for a guild ::huffs softly:: that's over with but that doesn't mean I still can't show it off! Tormenting the Slave It's kinda gotta adult themes in it, but no real sex so don't worry)

Playing with me is contsent to anything my character is capable of doing. If you say no consent to anything in your profile and attempt to harm my character in anyway that you yourself do not accept will be ignored. SLs are welcomed, as are IM rp! Please mature rp is only accepted. If yer gonna insult me, the mun, then I will avoid you to keep from getting involved in a conflict.
Altair is a creation derived from my insane mind. The picture of her was drawn and colored by me. So in other words she is copyrighted by me. If you dare attempt to use her without permission legal action will be taken.
If you like the picture of Altair why not Check out this place! You can get your own Character picture here! 1