| | This is one of thoes totally random pages that meen absolutely nothing all these pictures were taken from a sleep over that Holly hosted ^_^ The backround music you SHOULD be hearing is called Carry on. It's from the Sailor Moon series.( That's why it says "My cresent wand the only light" ) | |  | We are a bunch of wierd outcasts in our school... I think it's best this way. If we all "fit in" then we wouldn't have such a great group dynamic! | |  | | Holly is a Trecky Karen is boy crazy, Diana is just plain crazy , and I am a Moonie (Sailor Moon fan) obsessed is a minor word for what I think of it. If you haven't seen my work then click here |
 | I have many more friends than pictured here, so I at least have to say HI to them. Hi Christa Hi Stacey Hi Jessica Hi Amy Hi Debbie | |  | Karen got me intrested in this thing called SKA. SKA is , well, I have heard it called the trash can of music... what ever it is I like it ^_^ my fave SKA bands are ONE-EIGHTY , SUPERTONES , BUCK , FIVE IRON FRENZY , and THE W's | |  | | The backround has a special inside joke meaning "silk or satin? I hope you say silk because satin gives me a rash" hi Holly |  | | Each of us has animals at our houses. Holly has a neurotic golden retriver named Merlin, and a fat (phat ^_~ ) cat named Cindy Lu. Karen has a shetland dog named Rosie, a cat named TAZ, and a hamster named Hamster, or cheder as Holly calls it. My sister (Diana) and I have 2 shih-tzu (pronounced Sheet-zu) puppies named Sneekers (boy) and Tootsie (girl) | |
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