HollyThis is one of thoes totally random pages that meen absolutely nothing

all these pictures were taken from a sleep over that Holly hosted ^_^

The backround music you SHOULD be hearing is called Carry on. It's from the Sailor Moon series.( That's why it says "My cresent wand the only light" )

the mornong after
We are a bunch of wierd outcasts in our school... I think it's best this way. If we all "fit in" then we wouldn't have such a great group dynamic!I'm very camera shyHolly is a Trecky Karen is boy crazy, Diana is just plain crazy , and I am a Moonie (Sailor Moon fan) obsessed is a minor word for what I think of it. If you haven't seen my work then click here
I have many more friends than pictured here, so I at least have to say HI to them. Hi Christa Hi Stacey Hi Jessica Hi Amy Hi Debbiegotta be the hair
Karen got me intrested in this thing called SKA. SKA is , well, I have heard it called the trash can of music... what ever it is I like it ^_^ my fave SKA bands are ONE-EIGHTY , SUPERTONES , BUCK , FIVE IRON FRENZY , and THE W'sair guitarThe backround has a special inside joke meaning "silk or satin? I hope you say silk because satin gives me a rash"

hi Holly

DianaEach of us has animals at our houses. Holly has a neurotic golden retriver named Merlin, and a fat (phat ^_~ ) cat named Cindy Lu. Karen has a shetland dog named Rosie, a cat named TAZ, and a hamster named Hamster, or cheder as Holly calls it. My sister (Diana) and I have 2 shih-tzu (pronounced Sheet-zu) puppies named Sneekers (boy) and Tootsie (girl)THE END

I say Sailor Moon

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