Welcome to Bobby's World!
This page contain all about me. This is my second homepage. And I'm very happy that this one is better than the old one! (Haha.. i have improved!) the comics you see in the page is by Leo Ku! So good right! Heehee!
There is also about my birth and my friends! I'm hoping to get a scanner so that I can put more pictures in! And I'll try to get it as soon as possible! Anway hope you enjoy it la! Also please email me if I didn't put your name in or you see something wrong. Okay? And the last but not least, write the Guessbook la! Enjoy!
About Me!! Cute Baby
Family Album
Australian Friends!
Hong Kong 's Friends
Friends will always be together
First year of University
O   W
M   E 
A    R     T    E  A
T        R
E   W  E R    E
Second Year
Annual Dinners....
Lane Crawford