The All Inclusive Tuxedo Mask Gallery

Welcome to what will eventually become the largest Tuxedo Mask gallery on the web. For once I'm not kidding, I mean that. I am going to get every single Tuxedo Mask image on this site that can possibly be found (with any luck I won't get any off of sites that say not to as well). It's not going to be huge to start, but it will eventually. Everything will be neatly organized for your convienience, so stop by often, and start enjoying the pics!


Sailor Moon
    *Early Episodes
    *Rainbow Crystals on up
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon Super
Sailor Moon Super S
    *Amazon Trio
    *Amazoness Quartet
Sailor Moon Stars
    Black and White
        *Black Moon
        *Chibi Usa's Diary

Sailor Moon is property of Takeuchi Naoko and various companies. I don't own it nor any affiliated characters. This is a non profit fan site. Take any pictures you please unless specified not to. You may not take the picture at the top of this page. Email me. ( )