Banana Productions v.3.2
Welcome to Banana Productions, the product of two otakus and WoTists: one with the sheer talent and force of will to write anime and Wheel of Time fanfiction (and laugh maniacally), the other with the HTML know-how (when prodded to "Update the page, *bleep* you!"). Herein resides the fanfiction of Nik Sta. Maria (Banana-sama), as placed by yours truly, Trish Zuniga (Goddess Skuld).
WARNING: Excessive amounts of hilarity and insanity may cause those weak of mind and stomach to gibber in their computer chair. You have been forewarned.
Then read on, if you dare.
A Note from the WebMistress: Wondering what happened to Nik's other fics? I know I am.
Ranma 1/2 Fanfiction
The multiawardwinning I Know What I Did Last Summer ! This fic placed third in October 99's Ranma 1/2 Fanfic Awards (But since "Akane the Vampire Slayer" wasn't really a one-shot, does this mean that Banana-sama placed second by default?), as well as being awarded "Liz Mun's Fic of the Month". A round of applause, if you please.
The End of the World
Part 1: In the Interest of Preserving Excitement
Part 2: Ye Gods!
Part 3: The End is Nigh!
Wheel of Time Fanfiction
A Crown of Swords: Behind the Scenes
A Search for the Healer
Chapter I
Chapter II
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visitors since Sept. 28, 1998
This Pinoy Otaku! Site is Owned By Goddess Skuld and Nabiki-sama Banana Productions, v.3.2
Banana Productions 3.2 is less flashier, graphics-free, so it could get to the good stuff faster! Just thought you'd like to know the whys behind the simplistic format.
--This way to Pinoy Otaku!--
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copyright February, 2000
designed by Trish Zuniga