Jackie Chan Fan Page!
Jackie Chan IS the Man!
"Whatta man, whatta man, whatta mighty good man!"
The everchanging "Update Box":
Last Update: July 21, 1998
Hey all! I added a link to the Jackie Chan Fan Club, USA, in the links, still looking for a few good pics. I've been having trouble with Netscape crashing, so I might just sneak up to the local college and upload there.. Thank you for your patience! Also thanks for all the nice comments and praises in the guestbook and e-mails, it means a lot! (after all this page is for *you*) I'm thinking about creating a client-side image map game.. but I'll let you know more when I get it underway!
... And as usual, please tell me if you find broken links or pics!
Use the simple fast and easy Form I created. You can use it to e-mail me comments also.
URL-Minder! Get notified!
Now you can sign up to get e-mail to let you know when I've added stuff to this page, no spam gauranteed, just put in your e-mail address, and URL-mind tells you if there's something new when it's up! (This has been acting funny, it might be the counter, I'm not really sure.. it shouldn't make a difference since it's not the code that's changing, but rather the image of the counter.. I plan on inquiring Netminder's technical staff on what would cause that.. Thanks to you-know who, that pointed that out to me!)
Coming Soon: Those quicktimes I keep going on and on about... (I've found a provider with unlimited access.. so now I just have to upload.. but there's that problem with Netscape again.. growl.. *grin*)
Image Information
Page | Number of Images |
Main Page |
1 (shown) |
Main Gallery | 52 (hyperlinked) + 4 (shown) |
Backgrounds Gallery | 5 (hyperlinked) |
Animated | 4 (hyperlinked) + 1 (shown) |
Grand Total: |
67 Jackie Pictures |
Pictures were collected from around the web, I claim no copyrights. You may swipe any pics you find here for your page; or if you're like me, you don't "steal" pictures, you "liberate" them.
Click on the Title of the place you want to go in the Image-Map below!
[Images|Links|Animated gifs]
For comments, corrections, You can notify me by doing one of the following:
Email me at: elfkattgrrl@hotmail.com
You can look up my ICQ Page to see if I'm online, send me a fast www-pager message, and find out my ICQ number, or find out what "ICQ" is.
Or you can use the simple, fast, and easy Form I created.
Sign The Guestbook:
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According to Geocities' counter,
people have looked at my site since March 31, 1998, when the counter was activated.
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I'm just kidding about the Bill Gates thing. He's not really Evil, he just plays someone Evil on TV.

ElfKattGrrl (halfelf) Image copyright © of ElfKattGrrl