Kampong Stenggang, Bau: |
STENGGANG What's new Location Education Gawai festival Houses Old and new Church Traditional costume Oil palm plantation Water supply Oral history Family trees Flood Jan 2004 P1 Flood Jan 2004 P2 About me ..AND BEYOND
Since you have stumbled into this page, I would like to invite you to browse through this web site to learn about my village. There are pictures on most pages so you can see how the village look like and what people do. Happy browsing!
Nudu madis Bidayuh, morot mowah ninga web page Kupuo Stenggang itis. Nudu nyaa di soh kupuo Stenggang, asar oggi cerita ingan, oku mitie odah ingan nulis duoh email nudu oku, sah oku nah di web page itih. |
Flood Jan 2004 P1