Small Planet

º Created: May 24, 1999 º
º Updated: May 24, 1999 º

Welcome!W e l c o m e !

Hoi minna-san, and greetings. Springtime is finally around and then we get started! I'm Emi, your guide to this kawaii lil' space on the web. Here you can find some misc stuph from Sonic the Hedgehog to anime. Since this is just starting out, it might be awhile till everything is all set for real. Not to mention I'm up for grabs on fic writers and also fanart artists. You just drop me a line and I'll get myself in gear to serve up some updates. If you want to send ideas, comments, death threats, or just drop me a line email me!

s o n i c - t h e - h e d g e h o g

a n i m e f a n

g a m e - r e v i e w

p i c k - u p - l i n e z

a b o u t - e m i

l i n k z

Blah blah blah..this pagie wuz created by my ungrateful Netscape Composer, some PhotoShop picies
and a helluva lot of cruddy werk with a mouse. Some dedication goes out to my best buds on the MUCKz and a whole lot of crazy heds down at MSC! Well, Ja ne for now!