Feh... greetings, stranger, and welcome to my tavern for Anime addicts.
I'm called Zelgadiss although owning a tavern isn't exactly my occupation I have to help a friend out. ::sigh::
Heh my humble dwelling focuses in on the anime Slayers, but watch for more of my shops opening up soon
What? Tired? Go to my guest book to register for a room.
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Want to see the entrys of other various wanderers? ... I guess I'll show you come here....
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Welcome to the Wanderer's Inn traveler number
Hmmm... you never know what's going to happen next around this place... Would you like to look around?
- Update 6/9/99 -
I added another new song and 4 new lyrics including a _full_ translation of "WARU -Bad Blood-"!
- Update 6/10/99 -
Added 2 new lyrics. "Get Along" (Long version), and Ameria's Slayers Image song, "The Greatest Victory in the World"
- Update 7/10/99 -
Added Ameria's Slayers Image song, "The Greatest Victory in the World"
- Update 7/11/99 -
Put up "Zelgadiss' Theme" plus 2 other cool BGMs in the music section
- Last Update 7/21/99 -
The music section is temporarily down so I can add completely new files ^_^ (Well... I'll keep some of the same ones... :>)
Whew! Hey everyone the music section is back! Plus I added a Slayers CD section! Merry Christmas to all!! (Sorry the update took awhile...)

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