Domain Hits
Reaches 1000!
Posted: March 2,
2003 - 3:42pm EST
After just a little more than
two months, Arden's Domain reaches 1000 page hits!
Thank you all for the votes and guestbook signs. I do
apologize for the lack of updates lately as I am caught in a
middle of a few exams, projects and other non-academic
So for now, I leave you all
with a big THANKS for the support. Happy emulatin'!
Utilities Section Up
Posted: February 2, 2003
- 8:57pm EST
I finally have another
section up besides the Emulation one. Head on there to
check out what I have. Also, I added a little picture
that says if my FTP server is online or not. So if you
can't connect, and it says OFFLINE, then try again
later. But if you can't connect, and it says ONLINE,
I'd appreciate it if you e-mail
And thanks to Tim for
spending some time signing my guestbook and voting on the
poll. Come on people...follow Tim's footsteps and do
the same! :)
From The Webmaster
Posted: January 31, 2003 -
9:12am EST
I see quite a few people
downloading off of my FTP, but no one's signing the
guestbook nor voting on the poll. Geez guys...I don't
have a ratio on my FTP, I'm not asking you to click on ads,
but at least sign the guestbook/vote on the poll. If
you think that's asking too much, then rant on the guestbook!
As for the FTP server's
schedule, if you're still wondering by now, it's almost up
everytime. The only times it should be down is during
at nights (around 9:00pm - 12:00mn EST) for those are the
times that I play PC games, and I need the bandwidth.
Take care y'all.
From The Webmaster
Posted: January 17, 2003
- 1:46pm EST
This whole image in my head
of really keeping this updated is fading. School's
going to start in a few days and I won't have much time on
anything BUT school. The only good thing is that my
FTP will be up most of the time since I won't be here to use
the bandwidth. I think I pretty much gave up looking
for a server that would host my ROMs so I'll just stick with
this. Send me e-mails,
sign my guestbook for ROMs/emulator requests or for site
comments, and vote on my poll. I'll try to update that
poll every now and then. Until then...see ya's.
Section Updated
Posted: January 5, 2003 -
11:10am EST
So the server that was
hosting my ROM files deleted my page. And to top it
off, if you visit my site, it'll take to pop-up heaven of
pr0n sites. (Unlimited space and bandwidth my
@$$!) For the meantime, I'll be hosting my own FTP
server for the ROMs until I find another server for faster
downloads. My FTP has a limit on connected users so if
it doesn't connect, just try at a later time. And for
now, you can connect to it anonymously. It won't be
like that forever though. ;)
Section Updated
Posted: December 28, 2002
- 9:07pm EST
The Emulation Section is
updated yet again this week, and it's a pretty hefty update
especially for the NeoGeo/NeoRageX fans out there. I
added NeoGeo ROMs!!! Here's the list of the updates:
- Removed: NeoRageX 0.5 (to
free some webspace; not needed anyways)
- Added: Metal Slug 1, 2, X,
3, and 4 ROMs
- Added: Samurai Shodown 1,
2, 3, and 4 ROMs
- Added: The King Of
Fighters '94, '95, '96, '97, '98, '99, 2000 and 2001
Please note that these ROMs
are for NeoRageX! Don't expect them to work for your
Nebula or WinKawaks, etc. They might but I can
not give you a guarantee. Grab those ROMs now while
they're still up!
Section Updated
Posted: December 25, 2002 -
10:53pm EST
Wow...I said to myself that
I'm not going to update this page 'til later this week, but
I guess I couldn't resist. Either that or I'm just
uber bored. :) And for the updates:
- Edit: Took off the page
counter on the Emulation Section
- Added: NESticle emulator
- Added: Nintendo ROMs (same
ones from the old Arden's Domain)
I don't know how long these
ROMs are going to stay in the server, so grab them now if
you haven't done it yet before. If all goes well, I'll
use the same server to host some Capcom CPS2 and NeoGeo
ROMs. If you find a dead link on one of those ROMs, or
even a misspelled game, please e-mail
me and let me know. Thanks!
Christmas From Arden's Domain!!!
Posted: December 24, 2002
- 2:39pm EST
I'll be out for the rest of
today and tomorrow, so I just want to greet you all a very
Merry Christmas! If everything goes well, a good
friend of mine will give me ALL the ROMs for NeoGeo in a CD
that he has collected. So I'll be able to post a
couple of ROMs at a time starting hopefully later this
week. Although I found a free service that would host
my files, I doubt it'll last though. So if you know
any good, fairly large, free webspace service, please drop
me an e-mail and
let me know. Thanks!
Section Updated
Posted: December
21, 2002 - 2:09am EST
Yeah, you can tell I'm
concentrating on the Emulation Section alright.
Haven't even started the other sections and I already have
an update for it.
- Added: ePSXe emulator
- Added: ePSXe plugins pack
(same plugins for PSEmu Pro emulator which is not posted
- Added: Playstation BIOS
- Added: Guestbook
- Fixed: Download links for
Snes9x and ZSNES
I'm still trying to find
webspace alternatives as right now because this site isn't
even close to being 30% done and I'm almost meeting my
quota! And that's not even providing any ROMs at
all! If anyone can help, I'd appreciate an e-mail.
Domain Redesigned!!!
Posted: December 20, 2002 -
11:14am EST

After years and years, I
finally had the time to redesign this page. What
coerced me to do it? I checked my e-mail for this website
for the first time in a while the other day and I received numerous e-mails about
this website saying either they like my website (I don't
know why) or they have some questions or need help on the
emulation scene. There are still quite a few things for me
to do in here. Some are:
- Get up to date with the
emulation scene
- Figure out how to get/link
files for this website
- Put more emulators on
current systems and other systems not yet covered
- Finish the other pages
- Add little design touches
to the pages
- If possible, lessen the
loading time
- Post a guestbook so I can
track if there are people who visits this junk
- Learn more HTML and
Photoshop ;)
I really want this to be done
before I go back to school on January but I can't promise it
will be by then. I'm "joggling three lives"
right now and it's hard for me to find time for this since
this has sort of a low priority.
If you are asking where are
my Nintendo ROMs (the only ROMs that I really had posted
before), I'm sorry but they are gone. With the thought
in mind that no one downloads them anymore, I took them away
to make space for the emulators. I still have them in
my PC, so if I can find some web space for free that will
host them, I'll post them back up. For the meantime,
what I'm thinking is that I'll just one or two CPS2 or
NeoGeo ROMs to download. That's all my space can
If you have any comments,
suggestions, questions or to report a broken link, please feel free to drop me an
anytime. And vote on the Website Poll while you're at
it. ;) |