Brief introduction,
Vietland is a non-profit organization. Our goals are to work cooperatively with other internet non-profit organizations in providing helpful information and to cater to the internet users's needs in the area of the Vietnamese's culture, history, musics, poetries, education, language, arts, ect...We also want to provide our services to various Vietnamese populations such as the children (under 18), youths (18-21), college students (18+), mature adults (22+), family, women, and other ethnic groups who are interested in learning more about the Vietnameses.
Lo*`i gio*'i thie^.u,
Vietland là mô.t hô.i không vu. lo*.i. Mu.c ddi'ch chi'nh cu?a chu'ng tôi la` ho*.p ta'c vo*'i ca'c  h ô.i  ddoa`n vô vu. lo*.i kha'c trong viê.c hu*o*'ng dâ?n va` giu'p ddo*? cho nhu*~ng ngu*o*`i dùng Internet trong la?nh vu*.c va(n hoa', su*?, nha.c, tho*, gia'o du.c, ngôn ngu*~, nghê. thuâ.t cua? nu*o*'c Viê.t Nam. Chu'ng tôi cu~ng muô'n cung câ'p vu. này cho nhiê`u nho'm ngu*o*`i kha'c nhau nhu* thiê'u nhi, thanh thiê'u niên, ho.c sinh dda.i ho.c, ngu*o*`i lo*'n, gia ddi`nh, phu. nu*~, va` nhu*~ng chu?ng tô.c kha'c muô'n hiê?u biê't thêm vê` nu*o*'c Viê.t.


    Vietland's News
    Welcome to #vietland Channel 


    Thông Báo Quan
    Chúng tôi (ban ddiê`u hành cu?a hô.i Viê.tLand) xin thân mo*`i tâ’t ca? các ba.n ddê’n du*. ddêm ho.p ma(.t Tha^n Hu*~u vo*’i nhiê`u chu? ddê` kha’c nhau vào mô~i thu*’ Sa’u lu’c 7:00 gio*` chiê`u gio*` Pacific Time trong pḥng #Datviet ta.i channel chat.talkcity.Com. Cho du` ba.n ddang ddi ho.c hay ddi làm, mô~i cuô’i tuâ`n ca’c ba.n ddê`u muô’n co’ 1 lu’c thoa?i ma’i tinh thâ`n nhu*ng la.i không thi’ch nhu*~ng cuô.c "chat" bi`nh thu*o*`ng thi` ha~y cùng chu’ng tôi thu* gia~n trong ca’c cuô.c dda`m luâ.n hoa(.c dda`m thoa.i ddâ`y ha`o hu*’ng. =)  
    Important Announcement:
    We, the administrative unit of VietLand Organization, would like to invite you all to participate in the exciting "Unforgetable Nights" with variety topics of your choice at 7:00 p.m. Pacific Time in room #Datviet at channel Chat at . Whether you’re in school or at work you would want to relax and have a good time on Friday. Sometimes the "usual chatting" is not suitable for your moods and life styles; therefore, you would want something more special. Then join us every Friday in discussions and exciting games which are interesting and sophisticated. Come on now



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    Vietland last update: 7/13/2001 email