Welcome to Ninjasatsuke's Anime and Lords of Acid Webpage!

This webpage is for Japanese Animation and Lords of Acid. In here you will find anime picture archives, hentai picture archives, Slipknot lyrics, Anime music soundtrack lyrics and links to Lords of Acid sites and Anime sites.

Here are the contents in this Webpage:

  1. Hentai Picture Archive
  2. Anime Picture Archive
  3. Lords of Acid Lyrics
  4. Lords of Acid Album
  5. Anime Sites

    I hope you will find what you like in here and wish you the very best in hunting anime. So sit back and relax and vanish into the realm of Anime. Enjoy!!

    Any comments or questions please feel free to e-mail me atOtakufreak98@yahoo.com

Webpage created by Ninjasatsuke