Welcome To The H.Q.'s Of:

The Project For M.A.S. World Domination!!!!!!

This is the official site for the M.A.S. Project, an organization dedicated to the world take-over by Mitsuru and Shinobu, the two cutest guys to ever grace an animated cartoon. Of course, since they're only cartoons, they obviously cannot take over the world. However, their loyal followers, a.k.a. us, can. Our new regime would worship them as "The men that should have been".

Why, you may ask, would anyone be interested in spending so much time and energy in a world take-over by two people who don't even exist? Because they're just so perfect!!! Not only are they extremely attractive, there are two of them! This is the only show ever to contain two adorable guys who are actually friends. Well, maybe there are others, but they are the best. Really, there's no denying it. If you try, you've never seen the show. By the way, the show is "Here Is Greenwood". Rent it at your local video rental, um, place. Or if you're feeling really brave, just buy it outright. You won't be sorry. CIC's note: Do not watch the dubbed version!!! The English voices are horrendous. Don't punish yourself like that.

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Happy MAS-mas! Come back to this page throughout the evening for all the updates!

You are the M.A.S. follower to enter the H.Q. since May 31, 1998

This site was last modified on 01/24/2000 by Frogphobiac.

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