"Mwahahahaha... as soon as these chemicals mix together, I will have created the world's most perfect beverage! And then everyone will worship me, Tiffany-er, Nuriko, and his soft drink that's wholesome yumminess cannot be duplicated, and I'll rule the world, rule the world..."
-Tiffany Taylor
Rule The World.. Mwahahah...
Okay, so I had a point to all this. You've actually stumbled upon the sick sad world of my mind. It looks so pretty on the outside, doesn't it? Ha, this is just the candy colored shell of my insanity. So this page is run by the almighty M-chan (all hail). Mwhahahaa... T-chan has come to the dark side!! She will help fun this page. The reason this page exists is alllll T-chan's fault you see. She and I were decussing our respective anime harems and we decided to make lists of the guys. I said.. hey.. how about I make a homepage devoted to them and the shows they come from. This was I get to talk about awesome anime, tooo... ooo... So, if you think you're tough enough to go in and see how psycotic we really are.. come on in. You can visit...
- The Universe of the Blonk Birdy, a Fushigi Yuugi page no da! (Uhm.. The blonk birdy... is Suzaku. Just don't ask.) Fushigi Yuugi ("Mysterious Play") is the story of a girl who, while looking at a book in the library, is pulling though it into another world, where she becomes the Suzaku no Miko, and must gather the seven Suzaku no Sei to make her wishes come true.
- "O..Oro?" Okay, if you know the show you know what this page is, a Rurouni Kenshin page. Rurouni Kenshin ("Wandering Samuri Kenshin") tells about the master samuri Himura Kenshin, who known all through Japan as the deadly Hitokiri Battousai, after he decides to give up killing and to take the path of Rurouni, using his skill to protect innocents.
A Slayers Page , which is a... well a Slayers page. Slayers is a story about Lina Inverse, a powerful and well known sorceress (who's small chested and sensitive) and the stories of her adventures with her compainions, including Gourry (the empty-headed swordsmen), Zelgadis (the powerful Chimera shaminist), occasionally Naga (a large chested sorceress with an overinflated ego), and many others.
The Sailor Senshi Kill DIC! Okay, so this is my page devoted to Sailormoon, the JAPANESE VERSION! Sailormoon is the story of a Moon Princess reborn on earth as a school girl named Usagi, and the other eight Sailor Senshi, one for each of the planets, as they fight the evil forces of the universe in the name of justice! They have help from Tuxedo Kamen and the Sailorstarlights, as well as other friends!
Tears and Love, Panda and Kenpo Ah, a Ranma 1/2 page! Ranma 1/2 tells about a boy who falls into a cursed spring, so whenever he is splashed with cold water, he'll turn into a girl, and with warm water, back to a boy. His father is cursed the same way with a panda body. And add in the fiancees and other cursed peoples with a healthy dose of anarchy, and you have a recipe for trouble!
Clef and Presia's Mysterious Cephiro Lecture Okay, so unless you've played the Magic Knight Rayearth video game you won't get that title. It's okay. Rayearth is a story (by the wonderful CLAMP) about three girls who are summoned by an imprisoned princess in order to learn to use their magic in order to revive ancient mecha and save Cephiro from distruction.
If none of those strike your fancy ((WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE??)) you can also visit..
- The FanArt Page! The FanArt Page is run by T-chan, who's the artist of the two of us. ((Isn't she COOL?)) It's full o' fan art from all kinds of series... or it will be.. ah how should I know it's not MY baby.
- The FanFic Page! The FanFic Page is run by M-chan. AND NO, it's not by DEFAULT! I actually AM a writer. So there. Yay! Now if all goes as planned (I will soon rule the world, and all of you will worship me as your leader. Mwahahaha....) this page will be filled with misc. fan fiction from misc. series. Cool.
Now, if you don't like either of THOSE, you have one more choice. You can also take a gander at...
If for any reason you find you want to send some e-mail, you can send ME an e-mail, or you can e-mail T-chan , who would like it too. We need e-mail. We crave it.

[Kasumi:] Oh my, we have a visitor! This is visitor number
since April 12, 1999!
[Nabiki:] Wow. Kasumi, do you realize how much money we'd have if we charged 1000 yen for each visitor-
[Kasumi:] Nabiki!!!
[Nabiki:] Well it's always worth a shot.