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Index Page

And thank you for visiting my page.
Here you can find a lot of information and stuff about my favorite Manga and Anime.
Most pages are not Japanese Encoded but if you want to see some of the great features I included, you'd better look for an interpreter ("NJWIN CJK®" or similar).
Even though I know most people are interested in resources and are attracted by the galleries, I may suggest you to visit also the other links, expecially the SailorMoon once where the Senshi present themselves.
Then the Maison Ikkoku page, the most romantic story ever seen in a Manga, while you won't forget the sweet Himeko's adventures, passing through magic and mysteries in Slayers.
Finally, in the galleries you will see a lot of hi-res pictures (with thumbnails).

Look at the pages carefully, I NEED your HELP for some of them!

A little man with thin eyes... no I'm not that. I'm an Italian guy (02/23/81) studying computer science but very interested in Asian cultures expecially Japanese.
I adore Manga because it is a very expressive and powerful way to express feelings. I also think Manga is a interesting research of graphical harmony without force perfection.

Contact me:

Simone Pezzano -

Many thanks:

(not in importance order!)

(Tachikawa Yumeni)

(Yamaguchi Kentarou)

yuuki.jpg (2363 bytes)
(Ooisi Yuuki)
visit his home page!

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