Trollazians Picture Archives

1999 Pictures 2000 Pictures 2001 Pictures 2002 Pictures 2003 Pictures 2004 Pictures

Here is our herstory...

Laura and Gianne (the OG trolls) are the shortest out of the crew, and before Laura moved to Everett, they kicked it a lot. Laura's friend Snow made it a joke by calling Laura a Trollazian, and Laura decided to bring it upon Gianne to make it a crew. From then on, those two decided to claim TrollAzians. But during that time, Gianne and Laura called themselves the BMB (as in BabeMoBile) Chasing Crew! that's right, chasing not's a long story. They, for some wierd reason, started to claim TROLLAZIAN and BMB when they went on the party line...takes you way back, huh? Yup, all two of them had much love for their crew.

Soon after Leona was kickin' it with them. Then came the rest of Gianne and Laura's cousins, Darlene, Jennifer, and Iris. Then came more of the girls..Cleo and Hyacinth, made their apperance once in a while. Months later came Chip, Sheena, La, Diana, Jane, Lyna, Lisa, Mary Jean, Fahm, Sineth and Rosa. A few years and a few clubs later we adopted our t.i.t.'s (trolls in training) Miss Amanda and Miss Donnabelle.

We got close because we were all MANHATERS. At one point every single one of us were BF-less and lovin' it, just livin' the "TrollAzian Lifestyle" was what we used to say. "Trollazian What?!?!" We had no one to worry about but each other, and we kicked it like crazy....damn club rats! Soon after, we all started to kick it with Boss Crew, then ISLASIAN, Illstate, HALO KIDZ, Drunken Monks, etc, etc...

It's been a wonderful six or seven years being able to have the company of these beautiful women. We're all grown up now and our transformations are incredible. We're entirely different individuals but we're all still friends. I look at each and everyone of you and see such strong and independent woman. Everyone has made such a distinct impression on my life, on the world. Through the tough times in my life there has always been a troll there, holding me up and keeping me sane. Thank you guys. I love you more than I can express. (This last paragraph is from me, Gianne!)font>