I originally started this site in Geocities in 2001 to describe my life as I progressed through the college to working life to starting a family. As we progress in life, it is almost certain that we will kinda forget the good memories that we have accummulated in our lives. So you may say that this is an online scrapbook of sorts, and perhaps a little more. Funny thing is that this website is probably a very early "blog" before blogging became popular with the Internet public.
Anyway, thanks for coming here and do let me know what you think.outdoor | travels | turkey | guitar | wristwatches | christian articles | singapore info | bookmarks
One of my articles in this website has been featured in the "Malaysian Islands: the good, the bad, and the finest". You can purchase the book at Lulu.com or at Amazon Marketplace (only ships within the US, though).
Do check out the site to read the reviews.
This was how this site got started in the first place. I am now a happily married man, with 2 beautiful kids which I spend most of my time (after work, anyway) with. So, the adventure stuff I used to enjoy doing will be suspended for now...until my kids are old enough. And then, the story will continue from there. Ah, think of all the things we can do together - scuba, horse-riding, etc - it's gonna be great!
autobiography | wedding | honeymoon | shanna |
By the way, here's an interesting link to a site that does an analysis of the spiritual gifts God has given you, as in 1 Corinthians 12. It consists of 108 questions which you may complete in about 15 minutes, and then you will be provided a description of your gifts.
Last updated: Sep 14, 2006. http://www.geocities.com/wei-kwan_ng