Greetings and welcome to my site. There isn't much here at the moment but enjoy what you have to see. I hope you like what there is.
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person to visit.
Record of Lodoss War: Lady of Pharis manga gallery- All I have for this one is the covers for 1-8.
Record of Lodoss War: The Grey Witch- Basically all I have here for the moment is some scans I did from 3,5, and 6. And very little at that.
Updates- Go here if you want to see what's happened so far.
The Romance Cafe- This is my moms site. She likes to write romance stories.
Anime turnpike- Has the most links to anime sites that I know of.
Sluggy Freelance- This is an online comic that I love to just read. It's funny if your up for some laughs this will give you just that.