Mike and Heather's Anime Hideaway

Cool Website Add-ons
Free Website Promotion and Search Engine Submission
Website Promotion and Search Engine Submission
AddMe.com, free web site submission and promotion to the search engines

Dedicated to our art on the web since 1998!

Updates: 07/03/03
Sometimes it's hard to keep up with the site, but I definitely haven't forgotten about it. I need to add some of my new art. College takes up most of my time though. Come back in a few days. You should see something new. -Lum

Web Site of the Month (11/03)

This artist is great! Check it out!

Do you want to get your artwork displayed on this site?
Find out how! We will be glad to add your artwork (even if it's not anime).
Want to know what's new 'round here?
Check out the News section. The News section will give you the low down about new site changes and the latest about the artists (hey, if you're really bored you might want to know, right?).

All artwork belongs to their owners. Please do not alter or use images on your website without the permission of the artist.
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