Jesus walks into a hotel. He hands the inn-keeper three nails, and says "Can you put me up for the night?"

Enter the Chatroom
What more is there to say? Talk, damn you, talk! *linked with over the sky forum group, just so ya know*

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PC hardware, new age console games and reviews/forums. A gamers best friend!

Er... Under 18 not permitted. But what the fuck, you ain't gonna listen to me, are ya? Be warned, you'll be marked with the /b/ virus forever.

Raijins Youtube vids
All my youtube videos, updated weekly. Check 'em out, though a high speed internet connection (dsl or better) is recommended.
R's news
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Thursday, August 24th, 2006

Once again the site's getting remodeled. No no, i'm not dead. But gimme a year. ;) I've changed quite a lot since I put this shotty geocities site up, and don't really have any plans at all to ever do anything with it. And I was kinda of thinking to go the .myspace route- but fuck the emo shit. At this point in time the only thing I do on the intarweb is raid 4chan ( /b/-tard for life), search for video game news (future game designer/developer), post game videos on youtube, raid 4chan again (it updates so fast, you'll miss it if you dont check twi... OH SHIT. I LEFT 4CHAN ON AT HOME!!! IT'S A LION, GET IN THE CAR! HABEEB IT! SAGE! THIS FAGGOTRY MUST END! DO NOT WANT! LOLI HAET PIZZA! I'M ON YOUR DESKTOP, STROKING MY HARBL! Eh, you had to be there.

Anywho, still thinking what to do with this mother fucker. Um... I guess I can use it as an outsource to dump game reviews and whatnot. I've got about 1,337 I still need to publish on the intarweb. Might as well copy pasta them here. Okay, so that's settled, I'll use this crappy geosite to ... oh poo, how long before I give up on this plan? Ah, if I do anything, it'll appear here. Probably unplanned, just as i'm writing this now. :P Go Broncos.

By the way, if you're into gaming and have a high speed net connection, check out and look up Raijin1999's profile. All my videos go there. Fucking A-hole Sunrise deleted a few of my Gundam: Climax U.C. game footage - the assholes probably were browsing youtube for gundam anime that users illegally uploaded onto there and just checked off my videos because Gundam was in the title. Fuckers. Oh, there's an idea. Vent site. I have a few things to say about Squaresoft and the rape of the Final Fantasy VII series. Dirge sucks bawls, you lousy Gackt lovin' mother fuckers. Fuckin' Tetsuya Nomura... And Fuck Namco/Monolith for hijacking, sabotaging, and further raping the Xenosaga/Xenogears original plotline and putting the creators through more years of abuse only for nobody to ever get the whole fucking picture. Way to go jackasses; now our best chance is to learn Japanese and read Xenogears: Perfect Works.


Not going to do much else at the moment. I just checked out the files and pages I created for this minisite and figured out timecapsules suck. Make ya regret things in between here and back then. Ce la vie.

Also noticed a fuckin' bot signed my guestbook. As if the death of yahoo! chat in 2000 wasn't bad enough, they're moving onto measly unfinished geosites as well. DO NOT WANT.

Anyhow, if you're looking for me, and I know you/used to know you, don't bother trying to contact me through OTS' board or yahoo/email/etc. Just hit up, and look up Raijin1999. I spend a lot of time there, and have since 2001. What can I say? I love games. That's why i'm going to make them.

Btw, if you're into online gaming, and have played Gunz: The Duel, Space Cowboy, Last Chaos, KAL online, or Bots (A new one from Acclaim), drop a guestbook signing with your screename. Perhaps i'll see you there sometime. Love and Peace, for what it's worth!
See ya next time, i'm off to fix my damned computer some more.

Rest in peace Raijin! 11-25-2005
-Your buds for life, Susanowo and Ma' Neko