Kitty's Cephiro

~updated on June 20 '99~

~Hi! Welcome to my webpage!!! My webpage is about 2 Japanese comics by CLAMP,the Magicknight Rayearth & Card Captor Sakura & my favorite actor ------- KEANU REEVES!!! (isn't he cute?)and 3 voting booths for u guys to vote!! I hope that you'll like it! Have fun!~ =) plz bookmark -- or

~Card Captor Sakura~ Photo Gallery! Lots of pics!
~Magicknight Rayearth~
~Keanu Reeves~
~Horoscopes Stuff~
~Download Midi~
~My Windfields voting booth~
~Fav. celebrities voting booth~
~Fav. Chinese cel ebrities voting booth~

Mr.Tepper made this banner! hehe! =) wish that he became a world famous tie collector!! hehe!!!

If u have any suggestions, problems or questions about my webpage, u can e-mail me.i'll reply as soon as possible! If u didn't like me putting your webpage or pics from your webpage in mine, plz tell me and i'll take it off! Thank u! Plz send me e-mail.

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The Keanu Ring of Fire is owned by Romeo Rainbow.