

This website is EXTREMELY graphics-intense (oooh! buzz word!). I've been told that (especially on Internet Explorer) the front page takes, like ten minutes to load. So, I'd recommend getting up and using the bathroom and getting a snack or maybe do some homework while it loads. (hmmmm... homework, what a novel idea! ::Neo Amiboshi No Miko ponders very briefly doing homework, and then decides she likes straight B's::)

Have fun!

~Neo Amiboshi No Miko

P.S. If you don't mind, please try this alternate guide page and tell me if you like it any better. None of the links are working though. Sorry! I'm so disorganized right now, not to mention busy. Can you forgive? :: Neo Amiboshi No Miko quietly laughs at herself for thinking that anyone has actually visited this site more than once.::