Welcome to the third installment of the ChriZTraX homepages.  As you can see, there isn't any more mp3s.  Yes it is illegal.  So no free mp3 for you. =P  This homepage has become more of a homepage.  You know, the usual boring stuff.  My info, pics, guestbook, and other useless junk.  So I hope you enjoy it.  I pretty much designed this to give the nosy and curious people an idea of what my world is like.  Comments welcome.  Complaints like "where is the mp3s!??! or where is the pr0n?!?!?!" and stuff like that are unwelcome.  Heck I'm going to ban your email address if you send me something like that.  Peace, in the middle east.


Daily Rants

12/26/02 - Well its one day after Christmas.  Actually its 12:18am hehe.  Didn't get much for Christmas except for a lot of red envelopes, which is even better! =P  I'm so glad that I'm Chinese hehe.  Well not much to talk about since my girlfriend is in Reno.  However I will be going up on Friday.  heh I can't wait. =]  Weather has been shit in San Fran.  It's been so cold I cant even play CS (Counter-Strike) since my fingers would freeze up.  Oh well, home is home.  Never forget that.


Info, Profile, Stats, whatever

name: Chris Suen (aka ChriZ, ChriZTraX)

age: 22 (freakin old)

height: 5'10" (sorry I'm not 7'5" like Yao Ming)

what else can I tell you?


hobbies: Basketball, Computers (Gaming (Counter-Strike), Scene related stuff, and pretty much everything else), Caroline.

occupation: Software Engineer Intern

work location: San Francisco

home location: South San Francisco

car: 2000 Honda Civic VSM (Vouge Metallic Silver) Coupe with OEM Spoiler, SI Rims, OEM Body kit

AIM: ChriZTraX

ICQ: 4707489

Only CS Server I play on: server1.clanlynx.org

I think thats enough info for now. =]

want to know more? email me.


Random Goodies:

Rice Pics

CS Pics

Yahoo Photos (Low Res)

Event Pics (High Res)

Note: Goto Yahoo Photos before viewing in high res since Geocities has a limit on bandwidth.


Clan [LynX] Homepage (Check my stats!  search for ChriZ)

Deals Websites: SlickDeals, Digital Deals, Techbargains

Want me to add your link? email me.












©ChriZTraX 2002

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