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Ok... to put this simply... im closing this site for major reconstruction. This will be the first time in two years that I have sit down and fully rebuilt this site. I think it's time... and i'm going to make sure i do this right this time. This site has been thru alot of crazy stuff. I haven't given up... not yet. I will continue to try to build the popularity of DB/Z/GT. Once i'm done... i hope this site will become what I want it to. But for now... its gonna take alot of hard work. I want to thank the people who have visited... and I hope u come back to see what i've done with the site. And thanks for all the affilate request... but for now thoughs will have to wait.. i'll still add ur site though... just not now. So bye for now...
Gogeta22xl (A.K.A.. my real name... justin)


     I did not creat, assist, or in anyway way develope DragonBall, DragonBall Z, or DragonBall GT. Anything presented on this site that are of DragonBall, DragonBall Z, or DragonBall GT are: ©2000 BIRD STUDIO/SHUEISHA, TOEI ANIMATION Licensed by FUNimation Productions, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dragon Ball Z and all logos, character names, and distinctive licknesses thereof are trademarks of TOEI ANIMATION.

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