In the criminal courts disputes are resolved through the adversarial system. This means that the government has a lawyer and the accused has a lawyer. These two lawyers are adversaries on the issue of whether the accused is guilty. If both sides do not engage in zealous representation, the process will not produce a reliable result. If one side does not fight, the outcome will not be a fair and just one. Often this means that the accused is sentenced to prison, separated from loved ones, and branded with the stigma of criminality.
        I believe in the adversarial system and I believe in the good fight, but just showing up with a good belief will not win the day. Training is necessary in the art and science of advocacy and jury persuasion. Not only have I received extensive training from the country’s best trial lawyers, I have been a teacher of trial methods all over the country for almost 20 years. Results in trial reflect the training and belief.
        While I realize that counsel should try to settle cases, I believe settlement should be on my client’s terms, not the government’s. Long ago I heard it said that you negotiate best from a position of strength. The truth of that statement rings like a bell and I believe it. The best way to settle a case is to be prepared to fight it - that and to present a real trial threat to your adversary. I bring 25 years of experience to the courtroom. I also bring the heart for the fight.