
Friday June 13, 2003
--> Had to go to work in the morning
--> Left work and went to the church
--> Suppose to meet at 6:00 pm, however people were late and we end up leaving at 8:00 pm
--> It was a heavy rain, we had to drive up to CitiVision Camp, which took about 2 hours to arrive. By the time, it was 10:00 pm.
--> We all went together except Racheal she came late and missed lots of things.
--> When we got there, we put our bags in the dorm and went to the meeting room. In the room, we prayed a bit and enjoy some games.
--> Yim finish washing his hair so he couldn't sleep, and I personally cant sleep too early. So I decided to go out to take a walk and eventually Yim and I chatted a bit and went off to sleep.

Saturday June 14, 2003
-->Everyone woke up really early, about 7:30 am. We all took showers and dress up for breakfast at 8:30
-->The breakfast was pretty good, we has sussages and french toast. So Yummy.
-->After the breakfast, we had to gather for early morning devotion, so what is it? it was basically, each group sat around and read bible and we can call this just a bible study
-->I didn't understand everything, but it was alright. Because I'm learning at the moment
-->After that, we sang some songs and then there was a message. So it was our guest who spoke.
-->After that, we had lunch, hotdogs, salad, burgers, banana, ice cream, so yummy.
-->Then I guess after lunch we went to do some walking and enjoy some out door games
-->Games such as there is this Ring and everyone had to get from one side to another side without touching the ring. Second game is walking inside some rope tide with trees and we all had to do as we were told.
-->All I can say is that few people were quite mean
-->Then I went boating and then swimming and then basketball. After that was dinner, we get to eat the wedding food. which was quite ok. there was chicken, fish, viggies.
-->by dinner we went back to the meeting room and I think we enjoy some fun there. I dont exactly remember now. Old la.
--> Then at night we had camp fire and everyone sat around and we all played games. at the end, we all sat and talk. and I said alot maybe too much. hehe. HOpe everyone is not bored.

Thursday July 3, 2003
-->Today is very interesting, woke up at 11 oclock and call Rachel, well, as you can see, she is still sleeping lor. So lazy. hehe...just kidding. Well, called her and I let her sleep more la. I know she is really tired.
-->I then called her at 12:45 pm again to see if she was still sleeping. I guess she woke up and told me she will come. I dont like to rush people, so i told her to take her time.
-->Then we went to grab something at her piano teacher lor. I was worried something will happen while she was inside. When I saw the guy outside the door looking around to check if people are around, then she close the door in the house. I was so worried. The time was 1:40, if she didn't come out at 1:45, I was going to rush into the house. That kinda made me think so much sigh. So worried, i'm still worried of her going to practice piano there. I'm not anybody of her, so i cant say anything. sigh.
-->Then we went to eat at a place, its pretty good. Very full. Met this guy she knew, so funny, he acted as though he was a famous actor...so funny guy. I couldn't keep myself from laughing.
--> Then went to home depot buy fan, rocks and plants.
--> She needed to go to school, she was late, I went to bus and subway with her. I then when she left, she said "i'm going to go first"...i just woke up so dont knwo what is going on... so she just ran... I then think I should go with her like from the beginning i really want to go with her...but my brain was really slow... I followed her...then when i went to streets, I didn't see her. She was actually in a cab, I saw her while I was walking across the street and she wave to me.
--> Little wanted to find her ga.
--> I then want to get something to drink and went to china town. Got drink and pork bun. That's all. hehe.
--> Try to watch Lion King at broadway show, but all sold out and every thing is sold out too
--> got home like at 10 oclock.

Friday July 4, 2003
--> I think this will be my most boring holiday. Maybe she just go out with me because I can help her install the CD ROM. Each person I know here has already been in the states for a long long time. So each person already have his/her group of friends. It's really difficult to find someone to go out with. FUCK THIS. I cant believe my life is like this. You know what? Maybe if I dont go to fellowship, then i wont be even going out with them. FUCK THIS. What is the point of fellowship? Is it to meet new friends or to learn more about the religion? I dont know what is real and what is not now. I cant believe this, I fuck up so much. My anger is up in the skies right now. I wish I was in Canada, hopefully, someone will be around to go out with me. Is it because I rely on people too much? Cant I just overcome everyone and live on my own? I guess not, i'm not that type of person. Sigh. Well, I will go eat lunch at Manhattan's best resturant now, maybe I should call jamie and johnson to see what they are up to. I'm so sad. I'm so worried. I'm so lonely. Hope it will be a better day tomorow. I'm afraid to go online becasue I'm worried that people will not be able to reach me. I worried about one thing in my life and that is people who are around me are no longer around and worried that one day when I die, no one will know that I died or exsisted. I hope things in this world will be beautiful. I'm no longer alone and someone will always be around and with me. At that time, I really think Skittles is very lucky to find another part of her. I usually become jealous, but maybe god has given my the power to oversee bigger things in life and not just stick to one one part.

Saturday July 5, 2003
--> Today, I woke up, dont know why I woke up that early eventhough I was really tired. I dont know, maybe it is because I think I wasted July 4th too much so I need to spend my time a little more wisely.
--> I decide to call Rogers AT&T and see if the cell can work in the States. I guess they help me out and I was able to get the phone to work. So happy.
--> Teresa called me right after I hang up, I though it was guys from AT&T that called me, but I guess it wasn't. She called and asked If i was interested to watch movie with them. I guess I was up for it. If she called me a minute earlier, I would had missed a call and I would had been very unhappy. Also, that day, I didn't know if i wanted to go to church. But i guess GOD set this up so i would go to church. I dont know.
--> Then went to lunch to eat curry chicken, so spicy.
--> Then wait and wait for Rachel's car, so long so long. But they eventually arrived and we head on to the Theatre. Watched the moive and came out. The movie we watched was Finding Nemo, really nice and wonderful story. Good for the KIDS.
--> Then went to Johnsons house to enjoy some game playing. That game killed everyone. Same produces for GTA Vice City.
--> Went to fellowship and talked about what is more important in our lives. Is it money? or Is it something else? Maybe what is important is not money becasue we cant take it away anyways. I understand that, thats why I'm in the fellowship to extend my knowledge. Well, I didn't agree to what Johnson said is that people shouldn't have goals about money. I guess without money, we wouldn't be in the church doing what were suppose to do. Cuz we wont have money to build it in the first place, right? Anyways, I learn a lot. As well discover that Johnson dont say sorry easily, exprecially to someone. hehe.
--> Discover SaiLo is very good gal chaser. hehe
--> Then went to McDonDon, n' I ate McChicken, very yummy. The someone called Johnson to see if he and I want to go K. Then I went to K to get a drink. Since HingLing was a bartender, I just asked her to give me a drink of her best stuff. What she gave me was really good, no alchol at all, at least i didn't feel there were any.
--> Sing few songs, but I finally know and discovered taht I will sing songs I dont know at tables. Hehe.
--> Then of course went home, guess what happened, we talked and started to make a conversation about gals liking younger guys or not. Then discover that both Rachel and Alison dont like younger guys. I couldn't believe, Rachel think I look like 23. Yeah which I was really happy because that means I am older than her. Because she doesn't like younger guys. Sigh.